DAASH Conseils

Plastic Pollution Creates

Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies.

Impact Our Ecosystems

Those materials account for 60% of the waste currently being found on beaches around the world and is most at risk of being burned or lost in …

Impact Our Health

Plastic products contain chemical additives. A number of these chemicals have been associated with serious health problems such as…

Impact Our Economies

It finds that the overall natural capital cost of plastic use in the consumer goods sector each year is US$75 billion financial impacts resulting…

Cleanning The Ocean

The Ocean Cleanup is developing cleanup systems that can clean up the floating plastics caught swirling in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch….

Intercrepting In Rivers

The Ocean Cleanup has developed the first scalable solution to efficiently intercept plastic in rivers before it reaches the oceans…

How We’re Making A Difference

With Wi.Help, you get to take clear and credible environmental action that your customers can trust. Learn more about Plastic Neutrality and other impact offerings to get started on your impact journey and rewrite our planet’s future, today.

Move The Plastic Around

The circulating currents in the garbage patch move the plastic around, creating natural ever shifting hotspots of higher concentration.

Fund Plastic Action

At ~$0.25 per pound of your footprint, we help you fund vetted projects to remove at least as much plastic waste from nature as you create.

Amplify Your Impact

We help reduce virgin plastic use across your supply chain through customized tools, strategy sessions, and our global network of packaging innovators. 

Communicate Your Purpose

Our certifications, tech tools, and creative advisors enable you to tell unique and credible impact stories across mediums and channels.

Introduse Our Campains

We are Igniting a Global Revolution to End Plastic Waste

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Purposeful Businesses in
Our Global Coalition
0 +
Countries Where rePurpose Global-
Certified Products Are Sold
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Consumers Who Interact With Brands in Our Coalition Every Month

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What People
About Us

Thanks to your generous donations, we’ve been able to make a huge impact by protecting our oceans and empowering over 500,000 youth across the world to become ocean heroes.

Helping Today. Helping Tomorrow Charity

To complete one of the most ambitious engineering projects of this generation, we seek dedicated, focused and inventive minds to join our international team.

Thanks to our partners we
can clean the oceans.